Conférence RSE avec Céline Cousteau
© Premium Communication

Céline Cousteau

Cinéaste documentariste américaine

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Expert en :

Corporate social responsibility, People and the Natural World, Inspiration from Exploration : Notes from the Field, Working for Change : How Nonprofits Are Shaping Tomorrow

Biographie de Céline Cousteau

  • Environmental activist, international speaker, documentary filmmaker, facilitator and author, born in 1972 (Comté de Los Angeles, Californie, États-Unis)
  • Graduated with a degree in Psychology & a Masters in Intercultural Relations
  • From 2020 : Co-Founder and Director of Development of The Javari Project, a for-purpose organization that implements tangible actions for the Indigenous Peoples of the Javari
  • From 2019 : Board Member of the National Aquarium, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world's aquatic treasures
  • From 2010 : Director of Cause Centric Productions that focuses on the stories of endangered cultures and ecosystems through an array of short and long format documentaries, levering digital media as well as traditional formats
  • Author of «  Le monde après mon grand-père » (2020 – Fayard)


In 2024, Céline will join an incredible expedition that will map the length of the Amazon River from a newly discovered spring in Peru, to the Atlantic Ocean : Amazon River: From Ice to Sea.

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