Conférence IA et Innovation avec Ayesha Khanna
© Premium Communication

Ayesha Khanna

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Expert en :

Technology, Digital, Future, Emerging markets, Teleworking

Biographie de Ayesha Khanna

  • Indian education, technology and urbanization expert
  • Graduated from Harvard University (BA (honors) in Economics), from Columbia University (MS in Operations Research) and from the London School of Economics
  • Over 15 years of experience in product and service innovation and human capital development
  • CEO of Technology Quotient, which develops content and technology platforms for the vocational and K-12 educational sectors
  • Co-founder and CEO of ADDO
  • Founder of the Hybrid Reality Institute, a research and advisory group that analysed emerging technologies and their social, economic and political implications
  • Founder of 21C GIRLS, a project that delivers free technology classes for school girls in Singapore
  • Board’s member of Advisors for Humanity+, a Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
  • Editorial Director of Look Ahead, an award-winning multimedia series on global innovation trends published by The Economist Group in partnership with GE
  • Writer on technology, innovation and smart cities in the New York Times, BusinessWeek, TIME, Newsweek, Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Strategy+Business, Foreign Policy, Straits Times and BigThink
  • Author of several books "Straight Through Processing" (2007), "Hybrid Reality" (2012) and "U+AI" (coming 2021)
  • International Speaker

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