Conférence IA et Innovation avec Gerd Leonhard
© Premium Communication

Gerd Leonhard

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Expert en :

Future of humanity, business, media and technology, Teleworking

Biographie de Gerd Leonhard

  • Futurist, Author, Keynote Speaker, Think-Tank Leader & Strategist
  • Considered a leading voice on a wide range of topics including digital transformation and the discovery of digitally-native business models, the opportunities and challenges of an exponential society, a sustainable business and cultural ecology
  • CEO of TheFuturesAgency, a global network of over 30 leading futurists
  • Host of the web-TV series TheFutureShow
  • Visiting Professor at the Fundação Dom Cabral (São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Digital media entrepreneur, serving as CEO with several Internet startups, based in San Francisco for 7 year (1995 > 2002)
  • 10 years working as a professional guitar player, composer and producer
  • Author of many books « The End of Control » (2007), « Music 2.0 » (2008), « Friction is Fiction » (2009), « The Future of Content » (2011) and « From Ego to Eco » (2012) and « Technology Vs. Humanity : The Coming Clash Between Man and Machine » (2016)
  • Co-author of : « The Future of Music » (2005)

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