Technology, Digital, Entrepreneurship, Teleworking

Bio de Aditya Julka

  • Indian serial entrepreneur born on August 24 1981
  • Specialist of solutions that use technology to transform complex and inefficient industries
  • Graduated from Harvard Business School and from from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi (graduate and undergraduate degrees in Biochemical Engineering)
  • Investor/Adviser/Mentor of new concepts in Data Markets
  • Co-Founder and CEO of online auction house Paddle8, an online marketplace that is transforming the way that people collect art and design
  • Co-founder of two bio-tech companies in his twenties
  • Board’s member of Performa, New York's biennial for performance art and Khoj, an organization dedicated to performance art in South Asia
  • International Speaker

Langue parlée

  • Anglais

Personnalités en relation avec Aditya Julka

33 (0) 1 42 50 06 56

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